ICANN 2021

Due to the unstable epidemic, 2021 3rd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (ICANN 2021) has to be change to online conference. Finally it was successfully held online during November 5-7, 2021 ! Thank you all for your participation!

Conference Photos

Group Photo


Left: Conference chair-Prof. Jiaqiang Xu, Shanghai University, China is delivering the opening remarks
Right: Conference co-chair-Prof. Soon Hyung Hong, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea is giving welcome address


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Guozhen Shen, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Left)
Tutorial Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Jianyong Ouyang, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Right)


Invited Speaker: Prof. Min Zeng (on behalf of Prof. Zhi Yang), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (Left)
Invited Speaker: Prof. Jun Zhang, Qingdao University, China (Right)


Invited Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Zhengwei Dai, Jiaxing University, China (Left)
Invited Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Xiu-Li Yang, Yancheng Institute of Technology, China (Right)


Best Presentation Winners

ICANN 2019

2019 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (ICANN 2019) was successfully held in Shanghai University, Shanghai, China during October 23-25, 2019! Thank you all for your participation!

Conference Proceedings

ICANN 2019 papers were published in Vol. 813-IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Online Linkage)
Papers have been indexed by Scopus!

Conference Photos

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Chengzhong Yu, The University of Queensland, Australia(Left); Prof. Jiujun Zhang, Shanghai University, China(Right)

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Yonghui Deng, Fudan University, China(Left); Prof. Jiaqiang Xu, Shanghai University, China(Right)

Best Presentation Winner(Left Picture): Pin-Jen Chen,Taiwan Tsinghua University, Taiwan(Right)
Best Presentation Winner(Right Picture): Yiming Liu,Shanghai University, China(Right)

Lab Visit in Shanghai University

ICANN 2018

2018 International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (ICANN 2018) was successfully held in Shanghai, China during October 27-29, 2018 ! Thank you all for your participation !

ICANN 2018 Conference Photos Overview



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